Gimme More? No. Please don't. Seriously. I've had enough.
Spears looked like she should have been gyrating at a strip club by the airport instead of being onstage at the Video Music Awards. There was nothing remotely entertaining about the performance. To call it 'mediocre' would be a kindness Spears definitely doesn't deserve. She barely lip synced and barely danced. The entire performance was far more insulting than any of Sarah Silverman's jabs. I think The Fiance put it best when he said, "This is like watching a really bad high school talent show."
"It's Britney, bitch." We know, bitch. Your exploits have been splashed all over various media outlets for entirely too long now. And when did usage of the word 'bitch' become analogous with 'edgy'?
What good is blowing Criss Angel if you can't get some bad-ass magician theatrics out of it?!
I wonder how Camp Britney is going to spin this? I mean, what's the best way of saying, "Our client was out boozing it up until the wee hours and didn't really feel it was her responsibility as an entertainer, to actually entertain" without actually saying, "Our client was out boozing it up until the wee hours and didn't really feel it was her responsibility as an entertainer, to actually entertain."
I read that Spears makes approximately $700,000 a month. You'd think she could take some money out of her Cheetos-and-Red-Bull fund to purchase some better quality hair extensions. Helpful hint -- Claire's at the local mall? Not the best place to buy weave.
Face of the night: 50 Cent.

The expression is classic -- "Trick! Sit yo' tired ass down."
Oh God - this is somebody's mother.
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