January 28, 2008

The Simpsons: That 90's Show

Posted by Miss Jaime at Monday, January 28, 2008

In the words of Jeff Albertson (aka Comic Book Guy) --"Worst. Episode. Ever."

This episode was nothing more than a pastiche of random 90's references -- Marge and Homer move into Springfield Place (a take on Melrose Place), Marge sports 'The Rachel', Homer invents grunge after a brief stint in a Color Me Badd-esque R&B lite group and I fight back the urge to drive golf tees into my eyeballs.

It seems that all the writers did for this episode was watch a marathon of VH1's I Love The 90's and pick out their favorite parts:

Writer #1: Dude! Remember that Closing Time song?! Dude! I love that song! We should put that in the episode.
Writer #2: Bro, you know who rocked in the 90s? Bush. Heh-heh...I said Bush. We should put that in too!
[The writers high-five and across the country, a girl wails in agony because she realizes that not only do these no-talent numbnuts have the life she wants, but they're getting paid for screwing up an iconic television show]

Why don't the new episodes have the wit and the heart of the movie? Or better yet, why couldn't The Simpsons just retire with dignity like Seinfeld did?

2 comments on "The Simpsons: That 90's Show"

Anonymous said...

Simpsons are still the best, and their always actual...

You're just a grumpy little loser who doesn't have a life

Miss Jaime on 10:05 PM said...

BUT, I can string together a cohesive sentence and I don't post anonymous messages on other people's blogs, so while I may not have a "life" in your estimation, undoubtedly I have the upper hand.

Long story short -- you're a putz.


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