A pair of fabulous earrings and a short-sleeved tee from Forever 21.

A pair of khakis and a pretty pink polo from Aeropostale.

Never pay retail, darling.
In other news:
+ Why is everyone all a'twitter about Starbucks' new Skinny line? I've been ordering my drinks like this for years.
+ I am in love with Landon Pigg's Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop (also known as, 'that song on the diamond commercials'). You can listen to it on his MySpace. Check it out, fall in love and spend the rest of the day smiling and humming the pretty melody.
+ Saturday night = date night and I'm looking for good Greek/Lebanese/Middle Eastern food in the Southeastern PA area/Wilmington, DE area. Anyone know a good place? Let me know if you do!
4 comments on "A decidedly girlie post"
JEALOUS. Srsly. £15 gets me fuck all here in England. Lalalalala... and here's me about to move to London. LOL! What an idiot am I?
HAHA @ your mum saying you couldn't be a doctor. Trust me, I doubt you'd want to be anyway! She's sortof right though... ginger is an amazing cure. Just 'cause it doesn't come in pill form doesn't mean it's not medicine, lol.
Just saw my name in blue on the right side of the screen and it scared me... then I just realised everything I've visited is in blue LOL (lynn's, mine, erin's, thesuperficial). What a dingbat.
I'll stop littering your comments now, but I'll be back sooooon!
As much as I grouse about my Mom's eccentricities, she is probably the smartest woman I know. Thanks to her shopping skills, I have never paid retail for anything. Watching this woman haggle is like watching Picasso paint ;)
What part of London are you moving to? I used to live in West London. Way west in a tiny town called Southall.
Haha, my dad's like your mum. He reduced a hard sales man to tears through his haggling once. :S
I'm moving to the Croydon area. I've heard of Southall, haven't been there though.
Your britney spears link didn't work ;) (blessing in disguise?)
Best of luck with your immigration interview!
Croydon's actually quite nice. I have an aunt who lives there!
Southall is great if you're looking for authentic Indian goods and cuisine, but apart from that? It's a hellhole. Seriously.
Thank your lucky stars the Britney link doesn't work. I saw the image and immediately had the urge to pitch a tumbler of acid at my retinas just to clean 'em out!
Thanks for the luck! I'll keep you guys posted!!
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