Dear 2008:
Hi! It's nice to finally meet you! Sorry I was all doped up on Tylenol Cold when we were first introduced. Hopefully, you'll give me a second chance to make a first impression.
So, here you are -- all new and shiny and filled with limitless potential and promise.
I really want us to get along. 2007 was pretty good to me and I'd like to see you live up to the legacy of your predecessor.
That being said, let's talk employment. Hopefully, my work authorization card will be coming in the mail any day now and I'd really appreciate it if I could get a job. I'm not asking for my dream job or anything. I just want to work five days a week, hopefully utilize some of the skills I've learned in school, make a decent salary and if we could do margaritas with the co-workers every now and then, that would be awesome.
Secondly, you're a pretty important year when it comes to politics and I would absolutely hate to see you go down the path that your buddies 2000 and 2004 did. Man, what were they thinking? That being said, here's to hoping that you Barack the Vote in 2008. It's time for a change and I'm a firm believer that he's the man America needs.
Hmmmm, what else? Oh! Movies. You know, on the cinema front, 2008? You're looking pretty good already. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (which totally sounds like a Zelda title, thus making it even cooler), Harold and Kumar 2 and The Dark Knight (in IMAX, nonetheless!!)? You've barely begun and you've already outdone yourself! Looks like I'm going to be spending lots of time at the movies this year. Do they sell Coke Zero at the concession stand? I hope so.
Anyway, my other hopes for our relationship this year are pretty simple: I want this to be a great year for music. I want Dan and I to move into our own place. I want to find really amazing local tapas, Indian, Greek and Lebanese food. I want to make lots of indelible memories with Dan. I want to see my family and friends more. I want to write more, read more, work out more and become a better cook. I want a cuter wardrobe (more frocks and bright cheery colors) but more than anything else -- I want the people I love to be happy. I want them to be healthy and lucky. I want them to eat well and laugh often. I want them to know they are loved and accomplish everything they dream of doing. In short -- I want them to have a fabulous time with you.
That's about it. I'm really looking forward to getting to know you better. In the words of Jack Johnson, "I can tell that we are going to be friends."

Peace in the Middle East and everywhere else.
Lots of love!
Jaime xx
Hi! It's nice to finally meet you! Sorry I was all doped up on Tylenol Cold when we were first introduced. Hopefully, you'll give me a second chance to make a first impression.
So, here you are -- all new and shiny and filled with limitless potential and promise.
I really want us to get along. 2007 was pretty good to me and I'd like to see you live up to the legacy of your predecessor.
That being said, let's talk employment. Hopefully, my work authorization card will be coming in the mail any day now and I'd really appreciate it if I could get a job. I'm not asking for my dream job or anything. I just want to work five days a week, hopefully utilize some of the skills I've learned in school, make a decent salary and if we could do margaritas with the co-workers every now and then, that would be awesome.
Secondly, you're a pretty important year when it comes to politics and I would absolutely hate to see you go down the path that your buddies 2000 and 2004 did. Man, what were they thinking? That being said, here's to hoping that you Barack the Vote in 2008. It's time for a change and I'm a firm believer that he's the man America needs.
Hmmmm, what else? Oh! Movies. You know, on the cinema front, 2008? You're looking pretty good already. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (which totally sounds like a Zelda title, thus making it even cooler), Harold and Kumar 2 and The Dark Knight (in IMAX, nonetheless!!)? You've barely begun and you've already outdone yourself! Looks like I'm going to be spending lots of time at the movies this year. Do they sell Coke Zero at the concession stand? I hope so.
Anyway, my other hopes for our relationship this year are pretty simple: I want this to be a great year for music. I want Dan and I to move into our own place. I want to find really amazing local tapas, Indian, Greek and Lebanese food. I want to make lots of indelible memories with Dan. I want to see my family and friends more. I want to write more, read more, work out more and become a better cook. I want a cuter wardrobe (more frocks and bright cheery colors) but more than anything else -- I want the people I love to be happy. I want them to be healthy and lucky. I want them to eat well and laugh often. I want them to know they are loved and accomplish everything they dream of doing. In short -- I want them to have a fabulous time with you.
That's about it. I'm really looking forward to getting to know you better. In the words of Jack Johnson, "I can tell that we are going to be friends."

Peace in the Middle East and everywhere else.
Lots of love!
Jaime xx
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