Yes, I realize I'm a day late with this week's recap, but I have good reason.
Yesterday, Dan and I trooped down to Philly to have my biometrics done. In simpler terms -- I got fingerprinted for my work authorization permit and green card! We also spent some quality time at Reading Terminal Market -- home of the world's best brownies courtesy of the Flying Monkey Patisserie and had an All-American lunch at the Melrose Diner. No wonder Philadelphia was voted the fattest city in the country -- there is so much good food here.
Anyway, moving on: if you missed the show too, you can make like me and check it out online here.
This week, Heidi vs. Lauren -- the Thrilla at the Hollywood Villas. The girls finally come face to face (again) and air out their grievances.
Heidi and Lauren ran into each other at a Declare Yourself event -- essentially, a really well-promoted voter registration drive. That being said, I wonder how many cast members are actually registered to vote?
Dreads, Justin-Bobby? Really? Unless you're Rastafari, dreads are nothing more than the easiest way to stop washing your hair. And the burping? Seriously nauseating. I'm hardly little miss prim-and-proper, but that was just foul.
LOVED the look on Lauren's face when Heidi came sauntering up. Without saying a word, she communicated, "Bitch, even you can't be this stupid."

How awkward do you think that scene was for Whitney and Kim? I mean, by this point I'm sure Whitney is used to Heidi's histronics, but Kim? Just kinda stood there clutching her drink and feeling completely out of place.
And that first meeting brings us to our Quote of the Week in which Lauren tells Heidi: "Having your boyfriend do your dirty work doesn't make you innocent." Guilty by association. Now, in most cases -- I would refute this, but when it comes to Speidi? I'm taking Lauren's side. What kind of asshole best friend sits idly by while her boyfriend spreads malicious lies?
Speaking of Pratt-Daddy, it 's time for this week's edition of You Look Like A Pratt!. This week, Spencer unveiled 'Old Yeller' -- the bared teeth, the fluffy blonde mop and the frenzied rabid expression. The only difference between the pooch and the Pratt? The dog used to be lovable at one point.

Love Chiara (even though she sounds like a tertiary character on Thundercats) because she repeatedly shut down any of Audrina's plans to meet up with J.Bob.
Now, onto the confrontation -- Heidi bought flowers, commented on how pretty the apartment was and skirted her way around whether she and Spencer were responsible for the sex tape scandal. Lauren said she wanted to forgive and forget Miss Montag. Hardly Ali versus Frazer. Heidi seems incredibly lonely and desperate to regain Lauren's friendship but Lauren's not having any of it. Why should she? Trust is fundamental to any relationship and when the trust disappears, so does the relationship.
Next week: A timely recap featuring Heidi and Spencer's wedding planning. I wonder who MTV is planning to cast as the officiant. I say, bring back Richard Grieco. I mean, he rocked on 21 Jump Street.
Yesterday, Dan and I trooped down to Philly to have my biometrics done. In simpler terms -- I got fingerprinted for my work authorization permit and green card! We also spent some quality time at Reading Terminal Market -- home of the world's best brownies courtesy of the Flying Monkey Patisserie and had an All-American lunch at the Melrose Diner. No wonder Philadelphia was voted the fattest city in the country -- there is so much good food here.
Anyway, moving on: if you missed the show too, you can make like me and check it out online here.
This week, Heidi vs. Lauren -- the Thrilla at the Hollywood Villas. The girls finally come face to face (again) and air out their grievances.
Heidi and Lauren ran into each other at a Declare Yourself event -- essentially, a really well-promoted voter registration drive. That being said, I wonder how many cast members are actually registered to vote?
Dreads, Justin-Bobby? Really? Unless you're Rastafari, dreads are nothing more than the easiest way to stop washing your hair. And the burping? Seriously nauseating. I'm hardly little miss prim-and-proper, but that was just foul.
LOVED the look on Lauren's face when Heidi came sauntering up. Without saying a word, she communicated, "Bitch, even you can't be this stupid."

How awkward do you think that scene was for Whitney and Kim? I mean, by this point I'm sure Whitney is used to Heidi's histronics, but Kim? Just kinda stood there clutching her drink and feeling completely out of place.
And that first meeting brings us to our Quote of the Week in which Lauren tells Heidi: "Having your boyfriend do your dirty work doesn't make you innocent." Guilty by association. Now, in most cases -- I would refute this, but when it comes to Speidi? I'm taking Lauren's side. What kind of asshole best friend sits idly by while her boyfriend spreads malicious lies?
Speaking of Pratt-Daddy, it 's time for this week's edition of You Look Like A Pratt!. This week, Spencer unveiled 'Old Yeller' -- the bared teeth, the fluffy blonde mop and the frenzied rabid expression. The only difference between the pooch and the Pratt? The dog used to be lovable at one point.

Love Chiara (even though she sounds like a tertiary character on Thundercats) because she repeatedly shut down any of Audrina's plans to meet up with J.Bob.
Now, onto the confrontation -- Heidi bought flowers, commented on how pretty the apartment was and skirted her way around whether she and Spencer were responsible for the sex tape scandal. Lauren said she wanted to forgive and forget Miss Montag. Hardly Ali versus Frazer. Heidi seems incredibly lonely and desperate to regain Lauren's friendship but Lauren's not having any of it. Why should she? Trust is fundamental to any relationship and when the trust disappears, so does the relationship.
Next week: A timely recap featuring Heidi and Spencer's wedding planning. I wonder who MTV is planning to cast as the officiant. I say, bring back Richard Grieco. I mean, he rocked on 21 Jump Street.
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