Job: Did a little research and learned that the job only pays $7 an hour. Couple that with a 50-mile drive everyday and I had to pass. I've got a wedding to pay for and $7/hr just won't cut it. I've also submitted my resume to Southwest Airlines and to a firm looking for a proofreader, so keep that mojo coming.
Valentine's Day: Dan and I will be celebrating our first one together and I'm really excited! It's gonna be lo-fi -- I'm making him a homemade valentine (shut up. They're cute) and we're having dinner at Cosi where we will share s'mores for dessert (S'mores are Dan's new thing and he's become all sorts of experimental with them. His latest culinary concoction? Two Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies sandwiched together with three miniature marshmallows).

He's an amazing guy and every now and then, it'll hit me like a Mack truck. This man, this amazing, passionate, sweet, gorgeous, funny, whip-smart, kind, generous man loves me. Loves me. How did I ever get so lucky?
Rants: I'm feelin' kinda salty, so here goes:
1. Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer making money hand-over-fist for creating crap like Scary Movie, Date Movie, Epic Movie and Meet The Spartans. They aren't even remotely funny. These two assbags just Cuisinart a bunch of pop culture references and try to pass it off as a movie. It requires NO talent whatsoever. All you need to do that is a horny exec and a mouth that doubles as a vacuum cleaner. And to the morons who actually patronize this crap -- you should all be sterilized for the good of mankind. Seriously. The fact that Meet The Spartans made $28 million domestically makes me ill.
2. Rolling Stone Magazine. Now, we've had some problems in the past, but let me clarify something for you. Darfur? Tragedy. The fact that American troops are being killed needlessly? Tragedy. Having cancer and no health insurance? Tragedy. The life of Britney Spears? Not a tragedy. Yes, the round-the-clock coverage of her breakdown is bang out of order, but let's not cannonize Spears just yet, shall we? You can't deny there's a certain level of spoiled entitlement lurking just below the over-tanned and shiny surface.
Raves: So we don't end this post on a down note:
1. Sawyer's Nickname Generator. Mr. Ford's got a name for everyone on the Island and now, you can get your very own nickname too! According to the generator, I am 'Third Degree.' At least it's not 'Hymen.'
2. Macaroni and Cheese. No nutritional value whatsoever, but when it doesn't come out of a blue box -- it borders on divine.
3. Lost tomorrow night. Apparently the rescuers get a flashback!
Valentine's Day: Dan and I will be celebrating our first one together and I'm really excited! It's gonna be lo-fi -- I'm making him a homemade valentine (shut up. They're cute) and we're having dinner at Cosi where we will share s'mores for dessert (S'mores are Dan's new thing and he's become all sorts of experimental with them. His latest culinary concoction? Two Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies sandwiched together with three miniature marshmallows).

He's an amazing guy and every now and then, it'll hit me like a Mack truck. This man, this amazing, passionate, sweet, gorgeous, funny, whip-smart, kind, generous man loves me. Loves me. How did I ever get so lucky?
Rants: I'm feelin' kinda salty, so here goes:
1. Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer making money hand-over-fist for creating crap like Scary Movie, Date Movie, Epic Movie and Meet The Spartans. They aren't even remotely funny. These two assbags just Cuisinart a bunch of pop culture references and try to pass it off as a movie. It requires NO talent whatsoever. All you need to do that is a horny exec and a mouth that doubles as a vacuum cleaner. And to the morons who actually patronize this crap -- you should all be sterilized for the good of mankind. Seriously. The fact that Meet The Spartans made $28 million domestically makes me ill.
2. Rolling Stone Magazine. Now, we've had some problems in the past, but let me clarify something for you. Darfur? Tragedy. The fact that American troops are being killed needlessly? Tragedy. Having cancer and no health insurance? Tragedy. The life of Britney Spears? Not a tragedy. Yes, the round-the-clock coverage of her breakdown is bang out of order, but let's not cannonize Spears just yet, shall we? You can't deny there's a certain level of spoiled entitlement lurking just below the over-tanned and shiny surface.
Raves: So we don't end this post on a down note:
1. Sawyer's Nickname Generator. Mr. Ford's got a name for everyone on the Island and now, you can get your very own nickname too! According to the generator, I am 'Third Degree.' At least it's not 'Hymen.'
2. Macaroni and Cheese. No nutritional value whatsoever, but when it doesn't come out of a blue box -- it borders on divine.
3. Lost tomorrow night. Apparently the rescuers get a flashback!
6 comments on "We drew our own constellations"
"Funny thing about my back, it's actually located on..."
I was "Hawking" haha. Sawyer could call me anything he wants!
I love mac and cheese. I totally want some now!
I played Nickname Generator last night. I'm 'Betty.' I don't even get it. Can you explain, please?
I'm Ladybug.
I can dig it.
So@24: When I was a little kid, I kinda had this problem. And it's not even that big of a deal, something like 8 percent of kids do it. For some reason, I don't know why. I would just kinda... sit around all day... and draw pictures of dicks.
Jamie: One of my favorite Sawyer moments was when he shot Mr. Friendly and said, "That's for taking the kid off the raft." He's such a bad-ass!
Andrea: Betty? Really? Maybe it's a sweet term of endearment. You know, like Apple Brown Better? (I'm totally reaching here. Can you tell?!)
Sparky: Ladybug? Goddamn, that's cute. I think I want people to start calling me that.
I don't know why that says Dan's name because this is obviously not Dan. Damn you, Blogger!
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