Truth, justice and the American way.
Reasons to Barack The Vote:
+ Higher pay for teachers. I have numerous friends who are teachers and even considered going into the field myself at a point. Teachers set the foundation for the future and good ones are hard to find. Good teachers should be rewarded for their hard work and efforts.
+ He voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment which defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman. He supports civil unions and leaves the definition of marriage up to the states. I have both friends and family members who are gay. Denying the right of marriage to them is ridiculous and pedantic.
+ He is pro-choice.
+ He has a history of supporting environmentally-friendly bills and realizes the dangers of global warming.
+ He wants to decrease our independence on foreign oil.
+ He supports protecting net neutrality.
+ LEGAL immigration. I am a legal immigrant. I moved to the U.S. from the U.K. thirteen years ago. Since that point, my family has paid a small fortune in legal fees and immigration application fees in order to remain in this country. Obama introduced the Citizenship Promotion Act to ensure that immigration application fees are both reasonable and fair.
+ Ending the war in Iraq. He's been opposed to it since the very beginning and I believe he will take the right steps to rectifying the missteps of the current administration.
+ He supports embryonic stem cell research and co-sponsored the 2005 Stem Cell Research Act. The day we stop expanding scientifically is the day modern society plunges right back into the Dark Ages.
Obama 2008.
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