It's back. It's back and it's glorious and I have so many questions, but first things first.
If you missed it last night, ABC.com is streaming last night's episode for free. Check it out here.
As always, Lost Screencaps and Easter Eggs has great shots of the episode as well as enhanced audio.
Finally, if you want to check out an animately, lively discussion of the show, go no further than Whitney Matheson's Pop Candy blog.
Now, onto the episode itself. Last warning, if you didn't see it - do not read any further because I will totally ruin it for you. Seriously. I am Ruiny McSpoilerson. Last chance to bail.
Here goes:
Overall, this episode was definitely indicative of just how dark this season will be. Hurley's always been the show's most optimistic character. When everyone else was worrying about their fate on this bizarre island, Hugo was busy building a golf course to help relieve tension. And let's not forget the Dharma van. Initially mocked, both Hurley and the van came through in a serious way in the last episode of season 3.
However, in this episode -- we saw Hurley's future and it seemed to be a grim one. Evading the police, experiencing truly terrifying visions (drowning in a police interrogation room, seeing dead people) and ending back up in the mental hospital he spent quality time in before boarding flight 815. When the show's sunniest character makes a 180 like this, you know the Losties are in store for some bleak(er) times.
One of the reasons I love Lost so much (and Andrea was totally spot-on about this) is the emotional range of the show. I really care about these characters and am thoroughly invested in their lives. During last night's episode, I cried (when Hurley told Claire that Charlie had died), I gasped in shock when I realized that Jack would have killed Locke if the gun had been loaded and I dug my fingernails into Dan's arm and screamed (when Hurley saw Jacob in the hair and when that eye popped up and stared straight at Senor Reyes).

Hurley saw Christian Shephard in Jacob's ramshackle shack! What is Jack's deceased father doing hanging out in the shack?! And why can Hurley see him? There is no way that Christian = Jacob.
It's back. It's back and it's glorious and I have so many questions, but first things first.
If you missed it last night, ABC.com is streaming last night's episode for free. Check it out here.
As always, Lost Screencaps and Easter Eggs has great shots of the episode as well as enhanced audio.
Finally, if you want to check out an animately, lively discussion of the show, go no further than Whitney Matheson's Pop Candy blog.
Now, onto the episode itself. Last warning, if you didn't see it - do not read any further because I will totally ruin it for you. Seriously. I am Ruiny McSpoilerson. Last chance to bail.
Here goes:
Overall, this episode was definitely indicative of just how dark this season will be. Hurley's always been the show's most optimistic character. When everyone else was worrying about their fate on this bizarre island, Hugo was busy building a golf course to help relieve tension. And let's not forget the Dharma van. Initially mocked, both Hurley and the van came through in a serious way in the last episode of season 3.
However, in this episode -- we saw Hurley's future and it seemed to be a grim one. Evading the police, experiencing truly terrifying visions (drowning in a police interrogation room, seeing dead people) and ending back up in the mental hospital he spent quality time in before boarding flight 815. When the show's sunniest character makes a 180 like this, you know the Losties are in store for some bleak(er) times.
One of the reasons I love Lost so much (and Andrea was totally spot-on about this) is the emotional range of the show. I really care about these characters and am thoroughly invested in their lives. During last night's episode, I cried (when Hurley told Claire that Charlie had died), I gasped in shock when I realized that Jack would have killed Locke if the gun had been loaded and I dug my fingernails into Dan's arm and screamed (when Hurley saw Jacob in the hair and when that eye popped up and stared straight at Senor Reyes).

Other Questions:
- The man who came to see Hurley at the institution definitely wasn't an attorney for Oceanic Air. So, who was he? He introduced himself as Matthew Abbadon. According to Lostpedia (best. resource. ever), Abbadon is the Hebrew word for 'destruction' and 'Matthew Abbadon' is also an anagram of 'What Bad Boatmen.' Hmmmm....

Lance Reddick was a great choice. He's magnetic on-screen and pardon my French, but this is one very cool, very diabolical looking motherfucker.
- The Oceanic Six. We already know that Jack, Kate and Hurley made it back safe. So, let's talk about the other half of the equation. I'm thinking Jin and Sun (because if Sun stays on the island, she and her unborn child will surely die) and....? No clue. Is it Sawyer? Is it Michael? Is it Sayid? Is it whoever was in the coffin?
- The rescuer who parachuted out of the helicopter is named Daniel Faraday. Two things concerning that -- a) why didn't the helicopter land? What is it about the island that causes aircraft to go nuts (two helicopters and flight 815)? And b) Faraday is obviously a reference to Michael Faraday, an English physicist who researched electromagnetic phenomena. Coincidence? Come on, it's Lost. Nothing is coincidental.
- Who is Naomi's sister? Why could Hurley see Charlie despite the fact that he is, indeed, dead? Why does Hurley regret having gone with Locke and feel the need to apologize to Jack for it in his flash-forward? And most important of all -- is there any way we could speed up this week so it's next Thursday already?
P.S. -- Regarding the Flyers/Rangers game last night? Even though we were blown out, it was a blast. I love Philly. It's such a great sports city. These people are seriously passionate and understand that the opposing team deserves every last ounce of your animosity and bitter rage. Highlights of the night?
1. Seeing a Rangers fan and a Flyers fan exchange fisticuffs in the nosebleed seats...and seeing security haul the Rangers fan away.
2. An angry crowd chanting, 'Asshole.'
3. An entire section of proud Philadelphians booed a single man who made the poor fashion choice of wearing a Tony Romo jersey to the game. Come on, dude. This is Eagles territory. It's a good thing he wasn't wearing a T.O. jersey. Homeboy probably would have been shot.

Lance Reddick was a great choice. He's magnetic on-screen and pardon my French, but this is one very cool, very diabolical looking motherfucker.
- The Oceanic Six. We already know that Jack, Kate and Hurley made it back safe. So, let's talk about the other half of the equation. I'm thinking Jin and Sun (because if Sun stays on the island, she and her unborn child will surely die) and....? No clue. Is it Sawyer? Is it Michael? Is it Sayid? Is it whoever was in the coffin?
- The rescuer who parachuted out of the helicopter is named Daniel Faraday. Two things concerning that -- a) why didn't the helicopter land? What is it about the island that causes aircraft to go nuts (two helicopters and flight 815)? And b) Faraday is obviously a reference to Michael Faraday, an English physicist who researched electromagnetic phenomena. Coincidence? Come on, it's Lost. Nothing is coincidental.
- Who is Naomi's sister? Why could Hurley see Charlie despite the fact that he is, indeed, dead? Why does Hurley regret having gone with Locke and feel the need to apologize to Jack for it in his flash-forward? And most important of all -- is there any way we could speed up this week so it's next Thursday already?
P.S. -- Regarding the Flyers/Rangers game last night? Even though we were blown out, it was a blast. I love Philly. It's such a great sports city. These people are seriously passionate and understand that the opposing team deserves every last ounce of your animosity and bitter rage. Highlights of the night?
1. Seeing a Rangers fan and a Flyers fan exchange fisticuffs in the nosebleed seats...and seeing security haul the Rangers fan away.
2. An angry crowd chanting, 'Asshole.'
3. An entire section of proud Philadelphians booed a single man who made the poor fashion choice of wearing a Tony Romo jersey to the game. Come on, dude. This is Eagles territory. It's a good thing he wasn't wearing a T.O. jersey. Homeboy probably would have been shot.
5 comments on "LOST: The Beginning of the End"
Christian Shephard!?!?! What the f*ck! I totally missed that one.
I KNOW!!! I was completely shocked when I found out. I missed it on TV too.
God, I can't wait to find out the explanation for that one.
Too bad it isn't football season. Dude wearing a Romo jersey wouldn't have made it home.
I can't wait for the new season. We (the Dolphins) need make up for our abysmal performance this year and really start kicking ass and taking names.
Is it true that Eagles fans once threw batteries at Santa Claus or is that just rumored badassery?
Santa got snowballs. JD Drew got the batteries.
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