If you haven't seen the episode yet, stop reading this post and head on over to ABC.com where The Economist is currently streaming in HD.
Vital Links:
Lost Easter Eggs for hi-res screen caps and video
Whitney Matheson's Pop Candy Lost Discussion Board
Jeff Jensen at EW.com.
Now, onto the show. Because Lost is just a touch more complex than The Hills, I've decided to split the recap up into sections. Hopefully, this will make things easier for the both of us.
Off Island: This week, we discover what happens to Sayid after he gets off Wild Monkey Island. Simply put? Dude becomes Jason Bourne.
Sayid ends up bouncing all over the world, capping asses and taking names. He eventually winds up in Berlin, Germany where he falls for a tall, reedy blonde named Elsa.
Red flag -- remember what happened the last time Mr. Jarrah hooked up with a tall blonde? She got shot in the abdomen and ended up dead. Well, you know what they say about history. Elsa (apparently a mercenary herself) shoots Sayid in the shoulder and then, meets the same unfortunate fate as Shannon.
Blonde women take note -- do not date Sayid Jarrah or O.J. Simpson. You will end up dead.
Filled with heartache and lead, Sayid stumbles to the nearest veterinarian for medical assistance. I guess mercenaries don't have a very good health plan. Waiting to stitch up his wounds and give Sayid his next assignment was none other than big bad Ben Linus. That's right -- the man who said he'd rather sell his soul than trust Ben is now working for him.
On Island: Sayid, Kate and Miles head to the barracks to bring Charlotte back to the Jack Pack. Meanwhile, Faraday acts on his instinct and sets up a little experiment. He calls Regina on the freighter and asks her to send over a small rocket to a beacon he has set up on the Island. She does so and oddly enough, the geographic arrival of the rocket does not coincide with the actual arrive. Stranger still? When the missile finally arrives, there is a 31-minute time difference between the clock on the rocket and the timer on the beacon. Weird....
Team Sayid arrive at the barracks to find Hurley bound, gagged and trapped in a closet. They rescue him and Hurley tells the trio that Locke was threatening Charlotte and when he spoke up against it, Locke shoved him in the closet and headed over to Ben's place in the barracks. Team Sayid head over to the ol' Linus place where Sayid discovers a hidden room behind a bookcase. The contents of this room? Clothing, stacks of international money and passports from every pretty much every country on earth.
What does that help reaffirm? That Ben's a liar and seems to have left the Island many, many times.
While Sayid's checking out the international room o' mystery, Kate peeking underneath Ben's bed when she sees a pair of feet enter the room. Sawyer's back and although he motions for Kate to be quiet, her first reaction is to scream for Sayid.
See, it turns out that this little visit to Ben's is actually a trap.
Hurley lied to Sayid and company on Locke's behalf. Team Locke shows up, armed and ready, and shuffles Sayid off to the Others' Game Room where Ben has already been secured. There, Sayid negotiates Charlotte's release, switching one Rescuer (Miles) for another (Charlotte) and telling Locke that he plans on infiltrating the freighter to determine the Rescuers' true motives. Sayid heads back to the chopper and we also learn that Kate is now playing for Team Locke (undoubtedly because of Sawyer).
The last shot we see is Sayid, Desmond, Captain Frank, Charlotte and Naomi's body leaving the Island via helicopter.
Who is The Economist?
Is this why Hurley apologizes to Jack in the future? For scamming Sayid and Kate? After all, this act sends Freckles straight into Sawyer's loving arms, leaving Jack alone yet again.
Who is Mr. Avellino and why did he have to die? Fun fact, Tony Soprano's ancestors hail from the Italian town of Avellino.
How did Sayid go from completely distrusting Ben to working for him? Is Ben using Sayid to wipe out the remaining members of the DHARMA initiative?
Why is there a 31-minute difference between Freighter Time and Island Time and more importantly, how did Faraday know to check for it?
What's the deal with the bracelets? An indication that Naomi and Elsa were working for the same organization? And on a related note -- Who is R.G. and what is their connection to Naomi? Regina from the Freighter, perhaps?

A good episode filled with intrigue, but it raised so many more questions. I'm used to Lost leaving me with more questions than answers, but damn it! A girl's got limits to what she can take!
I'm really excited about next week, though. I hear we get a peek into the future of everyone's favorite fugitive (and the woman Dan step on me to get a look at), Miss Kate Austin.
Vital Links:
Lost Easter Eggs for hi-res screen caps and video
Whitney Matheson's Pop Candy Lost Discussion Board
Jeff Jensen at EW.com.
Now, onto the show. Because Lost is just a touch more complex than The Hills, I've decided to split the recap up into sections. Hopefully, this will make things easier for the both of us.
Off Island: This week, we discover what happens to Sayid after he gets off Wild Monkey Island. Simply put? Dude becomes Jason Bourne.

Sayid ends up bouncing all over the world, capping asses and taking names. He eventually winds up in Berlin, Germany where he falls for a tall, reedy blonde named Elsa.
Red flag -- remember what happened the last time Mr. Jarrah hooked up with a tall blonde? She got shot in the abdomen and ended up dead. Well, you know what they say about history. Elsa (apparently a mercenary herself) shoots Sayid in the shoulder and then, meets the same unfortunate fate as Shannon.
Blonde women take note -- do not date Sayid Jarrah or O.J. Simpson. You will end up dead.
Filled with heartache and lead, Sayid stumbles to the nearest veterinarian for medical assistance. I guess mercenaries don't have a very good health plan. Waiting to stitch up his wounds and give Sayid his next assignment was none other than big bad Ben Linus. That's right -- the man who said he'd rather sell his soul than trust Ben is now working for him.
On Island: Sayid, Kate and Miles head to the barracks to bring Charlotte back to the Jack Pack. Meanwhile, Faraday acts on his instinct and sets up a little experiment. He calls Regina on the freighter and asks her to send over a small rocket to a beacon he has set up on the Island. She does so and oddly enough, the geographic arrival of the rocket does not coincide with the actual arrive. Stranger still? When the missile finally arrives, there is a 31-minute time difference between the clock on the rocket and the timer on the beacon. Weird....
Team Sayid arrive at the barracks to find Hurley bound, gagged and trapped in a closet. They rescue him and Hurley tells the trio that Locke was threatening Charlotte and when he spoke up against it, Locke shoved him in the closet and headed over to Ben's place in the barracks. Team Sayid head over to the ol' Linus place where Sayid discovers a hidden room behind a bookcase. The contents of this room? Clothing, stacks of international money and passports from every pretty much every country on earth.
What does that help reaffirm? That Ben's a liar and seems to have left the Island many, many times.
While Sayid's checking out the international room o' mystery, Kate peeking underneath Ben's bed when she sees a pair of feet enter the room. Sawyer's back and although he motions for Kate to be quiet, her first reaction is to scream for Sayid.
See, it turns out that this little visit to Ben's is actually a trap.
Hurley lied to Sayid and company on Locke's behalf. Team Locke shows up, armed and ready, and shuffles Sayid off to the Others' Game Room where Ben has already been secured. There, Sayid negotiates Charlotte's release, switching one Rescuer (Miles) for another (Charlotte) and telling Locke that he plans on infiltrating the freighter to determine the Rescuers' true motives. Sayid heads back to the chopper and we also learn that Kate is now playing for Team Locke (undoubtedly because of Sawyer).
The last shot we see is Sayid, Desmond, Captain Frank, Charlotte and Naomi's body leaving the Island via helicopter.
Who is The Economist?
Is this why Hurley apologizes to Jack in the future? For scamming Sayid and Kate? After all, this act sends Freckles straight into Sawyer's loving arms, leaving Jack alone yet again.
Who is Mr. Avellino and why did he have to die? Fun fact, Tony Soprano's ancestors hail from the Italian town of Avellino.
How did Sayid go from completely distrusting Ben to working for him? Is Ben using Sayid to wipe out the remaining members of the DHARMA initiative?
Why is there a 31-minute difference between Freighter Time and Island Time and more importantly, how did Faraday know to check for it?
What's the deal with the bracelets? An indication that Naomi and Elsa were working for the same organization? And on a related note -- Who is R.G. and what is their connection to Naomi? Regina from the Freighter, perhaps?

A good episode filled with intrigue, but it raised so many more questions. I'm used to Lost leaving me with more questions than answers, but damn it! A girl's got limits to what she can take!
I'm really excited about next week, though. I hear we get a peek into the future of everyone's favorite fugitive (and the woman Dan step on me to get a look at), Miss Kate Austin.
3 comments on "LOST: The Economist"
I'm ready for a peek into Kate's future. I'm ready to see who the other six are, but I have a pretty good guess.
My guess is Sayid was working for Ben to begin with, but I've been wrong about this show before. LOVE this season!
I think #5 is definitely Sun. If she doesn't get off the island before she goes into labor, she's going to die. However, whether her husband will follow is another question.
You really think Sayid and Ben have been in cahoots this whole time? That would blow my mind!
Ugh, I'm so confused as to what is going on! Damn JJ ABRAMS! It needs to be more than an hour long!
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