If you haven't seen the episode yet, stop reading this post and head on over to ABC.com where Confirmed Dead is currently streaming in HD.
Want more information? Check out Lost Easter Eggs for hi-res screen caps and video, Whitney Matheson's Pop Candy Lost Discussion Board for a lively and animated debate on last night's episode and finally, to read a far better recap than mine, check out the fantastic Jeff Jensen at EW.com.
Now, that we've got all that out of the way -- let's talk Lost.
Episode two wasn't nearly as adrenaline-packed as the premiere but necessary in story building. I think this is why people get frustrated with the show. They want constant, heart-pumping action but none of the block building that comes with good storytelling. Look, if you want high-octane explosions and little else, check out a Michael Bay flick. If you want the most intelligent, incisive and cerebral show on television, stick with Lost.
This episode featured flashbacks of the rescuers and explained how this motley crew came together and landed on Wild Monkey Island. So, let's get accquainted with the rescuers, yes?
Dan Faraday -- Physicist and possible head-case. Started weeping uncontrollably when he learned that flight 815 had been found and couldn't answer why. Commented that sunlight doesn't scatter the way it should on the Island. His name is based on English physicist Michael Faraday who researched electromagneticism.
Miles Straume -- Spiritualist (one part Ghostbuster, one part Cole Sear). Simply put, homeboy communicates with dead people. Socially awkward and generally angry. Confirms that the Rescuers have arrived on the island seeking Ben. His name is a play on the word 'Maelstrom' -- a swirling mass of water.
Charlotte Staples Lewis -- English anthropologist. Discovers a polar bear wearing a Dharma Hydra collar in Medenine, Tunisia. Her name is based on English writer and scholar Clive Staples Lewis, more commonly known as C.S. Lewis -- author of The Chronicles of Narnia series.
Frank Lapidus -- Pilot. Was supposed to be on flight 815. Calls Oceanic Air hotline to state that pilot Seth Norris has been incorrectly identified. Claims to have memorized the entire flight manifest. Possibly a drunk (according to Naomi).
These four, along with Naomi, were assembled by Matthew Abbadon for very specific reasons that he doesn't reveal. When Naomi asks what to do if she encounters any survivors of flight 815, Abbadon forcefully and repeatedly insists that there were no survivors. Hmmm....
Now that we're all friends, let's move on.
News reports show that the wreckage of flight 815 have been found in the Sunda Trench (northeastern Indian Ocean near Bali). According to the report, there are no survivors but we know better.
The rescuers parachute out of the helicopter and land in various locations on the island. Faraday first makes contact with Jack and Kate and the trio go on a mini-mission to find the rest of the rescuers. They encounter Miles on the rocky area where Kelvin died and he reveals that Naomi's last words ('Tell my sister I love her') were actually a distress code meaning someone was holding a gun to her head. Kate tells Miles that Locke was responsible for Naomi's death and the group troops back to the body where Miles performs some spooky whispering mojo and confirms that Kate is telling the truth.
Charlotte's tracking signal starts beeping and the group start heading towards....but out come Sayid and Juliet, guns a'blazing! They disarm the rescuers and head in the direction of the tracking signal. Sayid grabs Miles' phone and sees Charlotte's signal. It's moving. Fast. The group runs toward the signal and they discover that Charlotte's GPS has been tied around Vincent's neck. It is then that Jack realizes that Locke has Charlotte.
Meanwhile, after safely landing the helicopter, Frank pulls himself out of some bushes to realize he's been watched by a cow. He tries to stand, but his legs don't work, so he fires a flare. Locke and Company see the signal and Charlotte starts to move towards it. Locke attempts to stop her and before he can do anything else, Ben shoots Charlotte twice in the chest. Let me reiterate -- Ben fucking caps Charlotte in the chest. Cold blooded, but do we expect anything less from Mr. Linus? Sawyer beats the shit of Ben but then we realize that thanks to a bulletproof vest, Miss Lewis is still alive.
Jack and Company also see the flare and head on over to Frank. Sayid inspects the helicopter while Juliet tends to Frank's head wound. Frank asks Juliet's name and having memorized the plane's manifest, realizes that Juliet wasn't on the plane and is actually an Island 'native.' Miles freaks out and starts asking where 'he' is.
The he in question?

Why, who else but Mr. Benjamin Linus.
Miles pulls out a photograph and states that the rescuers are actually on the Island to find Ben.
While this is going down, Locke's got a gun to Ben (despite protests from Alex and Claire) and intends on shooting him, but Ben tells Locke that he's got the key to a plethora of secrets. Locke asks what the smoke monster is and Ben replies that he doesn't know. Instead, he starts reciting personal information about Charlotte -- full name, birthplace, family. When asked how he knows this, Ben simply says that he's got a man on the boat.
Onto my favorite part -- Theories:
+ Faraday tells Jack and Kate that rescuing suvivors isn't their primary mission. So, what is? I'm thinking the true mission is to confirm the dead of the Dharma Initiative and bring Ben to justice as he was responsible for the Purge.
+ The rescuers brought gas masks and the biohazard suits to avoid contact with The Virus -- remember that? The nasty little bug that Rousseau's crew apparently got when they landed on the Island?
+ Michael is Ben's 'Man on the Boat.' Remember, Ben let Michael go, so maybe they cut a deal? Ben lets Michael and Walt go free, but not before Michael does a little work for him.
And it just wouldn't be Lost if I didn't have a cavalcade of Questions:
+ Whose body was found in the Sunda Trench and why was it identified as Seth Norris? Norris was the Smoke Monster's first casualty and couldn't have been underwater.
+ Bigger question -- where the hell did this wreckage come from? The plane broke up over the Island. The cockpit ended up in the jungle? How did 815 end up buried in a trench?
+ How did a Dharma polar bear get to Tunisia?
+ What was Miles using in the bedroom while Ghostbusting? It didn't look anything like a Proton Pack.
+ Why did Daniel start weeping uncontrollably when he learned that flight 815 had been found?
+ What the hell is the Smoke Monster?
All in all, good episode and I can't wait until next week.
What did you think of the episode? Any theories? Any questions I missed? Let me know!
P.S. -- I told Dan about trying to Jedi Mind Trick a Diet Coke all day and when he got home last night, he asked me to do it again. Five seconds later, Diet Coke appears on the kitchen counter! This leads me to believe one of two things -- either the Force is strong in me or Dan is just remarkably thoughtful. Either way, I'm happy.
Want more information? Check out Lost Easter Eggs for hi-res screen caps and video, Whitney Matheson's Pop Candy Lost Discussion Board for a lively and animated debate on last night's episode and finally, to read a far better recap than mine, check out the fantastic Jeff Jensen at EW.com.
Now, that we've got all that out of the way -- let's talk Lost.
Episode two wasn't nearly as adrenaline-packed as the premiere but necessary in story building. I think this is why people get frustrated with the show. They want constant, heart-pumping action but none of the block building that comes with good storytelling. Look, if you want high-octane explosions and little else, check out a Michael Bay flick. If you want the most intelligent, incisive and cerebral show on television, stick with Lost.
This episode featured flashbacks of the rescuers and explained how this motley crew came together and landed on Wild Monkey Island. So, let's get accquainted with the rescuers, yes?
Dan Faraday -- Physicist and possible head-case. Started weeping uncontrollably when he learned that flight 815 had been found and couldn't answer why. Commented that sunlight doesn't scatter the way it should on the Island. His name is based on English physicist Michael Faraday who researched electromagneticism.
Miles Straume -- Spiritualist (one part Ghostbuster, one part Cole Sear). Simply put, homeboy communicates with dead people. Socially awkward and generally angry. Confirms that the Rescuers have arrived on the island seeking Ben. His name is a play on the word 'Maelstrom' -- a swirling mass of water.
Charlotte Staples Lewis -- English anthropologist. Discovers a polar bear wearing a Dharma Hydra collar in Medenine, Tunisia. Her name is based on English writer and scholar Clive Staples Lewis, more commonly known as C.S. Lewis -- author of The Chronicles of Narnia series.
Frank Lapidus -- Pilot. Was supposed to be on flight 815. Calls Oceanic Air hotline to state that pilot Seth Norris has been incorrectly identified. Claims to have memorized the entire flight manifest. Possibly a drunk (according to Naomi).
These four, along with Naomi, were assembled by Matthew Abbadon for very specific reasons that he doesn't reveal. When Naomi asks what to do if she encounters any survivors of flight 815, Abbadon forcefully and repeatedly insists that there were no survivors. Hmmm....
Now that we're all friends, let's move on.
News reports show that the wreckage of flight 815 have been found in the Sunda Trench (northeastern Indian Ocean near Bali). According to the report, there are no survivors but we know better.
The rescuers parachute out of the helicopter and land in various locations on the island. Faraday first makes contact with Jack and Kate and the trio go on a mini-mission to find the rest of the rescuers. They encounter Miles on the rocky area where Kelvin died and he reveals that Naomi's last words ('Tell my sister I love her') were actually a distress code meaning someone was holding a gun to her head. Kate tells Miles that Locke was responsible for Naomi's death and the group troops back to the body where Miles performs some spooky whispering mojo and confirms that Kate is telling the truth.
Charlotte's tracking signal starts beeping and the group start heading towards....but out come Sayid and Juliet, guns a'blazing! They disarm the rescuers and head in the direction of the tracking signal. Sayid grabs Miles' phone and sees Charlotte's signal. It's moving. Fast. The group runs toward the signal and they discover that Charlotte's GPS has been tied around Vincent's neck. It is then that Jack realizes that Locke has Charlotte.
Meanwhile, after safely landing the helicopter, Frank pulls himself out of some bushes to realize he's been watched by a cow. He tries to stand, but his legs don't work, so he fires a flare. Locke and Company see the signal and Charlotte starts to move towards it. Locke attempts to stop her and before he can do anything else, Ben shoots Charlotte twice in the chest. Let me reiterate -- Ben fucking caps Charlotte in the chest. Cold blooded, but do we expect anything less from Mr. Linus? Sawyer beats the shit of Ben but then we realize that thanks to a bulletproof vest, Miss Lewis is still alive.
Jack and Company also see the flare and head on over to Frank. Sayid inspects the helicopter while Juliet tends to Frank's head wound. Frank asks Juliet's name and having memorized the plane's manifest, realizes that Juliet wasn't on the plane and is actually an Island 'native.' Miles freaks out and starts asking where 'he' is.
The he in question?

Why, who else but Mr. Benjamin Linus.
Miles pulls out a photograph and states that the rescuers are actually on the Island to find Ben.
While this is going down, Locke's got a gun to Ben (despite protests from Alex and Claire) and intends on shooting him, but Ben tells Locke that he's got the key to a plethora of secrets. Locke asks what the smoke monster is and Ben replies that he doesn't know. Instead, he starts reciting personal information about Charlotte -- full name, birthplace, family. When asked how he knows this, Ben simply says that he's got a man on the boat.
Onto my favorite part -- Theories:
+ Faraday tells Jack and Kate that rescuing suvivors isn't their primary mission. So, what is? I'm thinking the true mission is to confirm the dead of the Dharma Initiative and bring Ben to justice as he was responsible for the Purge.
+ The rescuers brought gas masks and the biohazard suits to avoid contact with The Virus -- remember that? The nasty little bug that Rousseau's crew apparently got when they landed on the Island?
+ Michael is Ben's 'Man on the Boat.' Remember, Ben let Michael go, so maybe they cut a deal? Ben lets Michael and Walt go free, but not before Michael does a little work for him.
And it just wouldn't be Lost if I didn't have a cavalcade of Questions:
+ Whose body was found in the Sunda Trench and why was it identified as Seth Norris? Norris was the Smoke Monster's first casualty and couldn't have been underwater.
+ Bigger question -- where the hell did this wreckage come from? The plane broke up over the Island. The cockpit ended up in the jungle? How did 815 end up buried in a trench?
+ How did a Dharma polar bear get to Tunisia?
+ What was Miles using in the bedroom while Ghostbusting? It didn't look anything like a Proton Pack.
+ Why did Daniel start weeping uncontrollably when he learned that flight 815 had been found?
+ What the hell is the Smoke Monster?
All in all, good episode and I can't wait until next week.
What did you think of the episode? Any theories? Any questions I missed? Let me know!
P.S. -- I told Dan about trying to Jedi Mind Trick a Diet Coke all day and when he got home last night, he asked me to do it again. Five seconds later, Diet Coke appears on the kitchen counter! This leads me to believe one of two things -- either the Force is strong in me or Dan is just remarkably thoughtful. Either way, I'm happy.
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