I love this man. I truly do.
I love the fact that he references old-school wrestling and Beverly Hills 90210. I love the fact that he remains loyal to his Boston teams [even though the Pats suck. Seriously. As much as I lust after Tom Brady, I hate the team]. I love the fact that he has great taste in movies and music. I love the fact that he actually had a buddy named Sully. I love the Sports Gal and the fact that she inspired both a celebrity fantasy league and a column entitled 37 Things The Sports Gal Hates About Me. I love the fact that he believes in gameday magic [wearing the same, unwashed team jersey on gameday leads to a win]. I love his disdain for the WNBA, his true appreciation of when Rowdy Roddy Piper bashed Jimmy Superfly Snuka's head in with a coconut and the fact that he refers to his digs as Sports Guy Mansion. Most importantly, though -- I love the way he writes. Reading one of his columns is like hanging out with one of your buddies.
Anyway, on to the
Thumbs Up: Those "Jose +10" commercials for Adidas. I love the all-star squad 'cause seriously, when are you ever going to get to see something like that? It reminded me of that episode of The Simpsons when the nuclear power plant bought in ringers for softball. During a pick-up game in the park, Martin gets all the baseball greats while Bart's stuck with Milhouse. Needless to say, hilarity ensues. I also love the soundtrack -- Jim Noir's Eanie Meany. A perfect song because of the classic lyric, 'If you don't give my football back/I'm gonna get my dad on you."
Thumbs Down: Dilated pupils. Thanks to my optometrist appointment yesterday, I looked like I had been chasing dragons in a Chinese opium den all day long. Worse yet, I had to take passport photos in this state.
Thumbs Up: New glasses! Black plastic frames with rhinestones in the stems. They're fabulous. I feel like the world's hottest librarian.
Thumbs Down: My sister's laptop screen crapping out after three months. There's a reason Dell has award-winning tech support. They seriously need it. I wonder what percentage of Dell's tech support is routed through India. Every time I've called, I've gotten some very nice man or woman who wants to marry me off to their son.
Thumbs Up: Pie. Not just any pie, but Dutch Caramel Apple pie with almonds. Oh my God. It's so good. A single slice puts me into a diabetic coma, but I would sell my children on the black market for this pie. The best part of all is that this delicious dish, this manna from the heavens, was a gift from the orthodontist. I think he's trying to drum up more business by rotting my teeth. It's totally working.
Tomorrow, my sister heads off to Gainesville. I'm gonna miss her like crazy, but I am so proud of her. She's gonna do amazing things.
1 comments on "I wish I had more thumbs..."
Just because I enjoy being an ass a little too much, Dickie V (Dick Vitale) did this first with his "Stock Up, Stock Down" bit :P
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