To celebrate the World Cup final between Italy and France, The Best Friend, Pepe and I met up with Will and Paul at Alehouse. Football, beer and food so good/bad that it'll probably give you a coronary just looking at it? Ahhh, sounds like heaven to me

The chicken nachos exemplify this good/bad food thing. A veritable mountain of chicken, chips and cheese, I swear I felt my arteries hardening when they arrived at the table...and I'm a vegetarian.

Pretty much everyone at the restaurant except me was supporting the Ities.

Italy won [those bastards!] and because he's part Sicilian and a big Mario Bros. fan, this made The Best Friend very happy.

Will was happy too. He doesn't have any cultural ties to Italy but their win put money in his pocket and he got to make fun of me (which is always fun).

I, on the other hand, was not a happy camper...until Zidane head-butted Matarazzi right in the solar plexus. That was awesome on a level comparable to Mortal Kombat and the only way that could have been better was if the crowd had growled, "Finish him!" afterwards.
Every year we've gone to school, we've always been too busy with classes to attend any of the homecoming festivities. However, this was not the case this year. On Friday, UCF had a free concert featuring Amberlin, Mae, Story of the Year and Jack's Mannequin, so The Best Friend and I decided to attend.

On our way to the show. I look like I've been honey-dipped.

We got to the Memory Mall and realized just how old we are. We were the only two people who wanted to hear some Freebird.

Mae took the stage....

...and we weren't impressed. They were thoroughly generic.

Then, Dana called and said she was back from Rome, so we junked the show and went to hang out with her instead.

I was starved so we headed to Qdoba for dinner. I like food and explained to Jerry where it goes -- in my mouth.

If you love queso, you'll love Qdoba's nachos. I do not love queso.
In the pantheon of Mexican cuisine, here's how the totem pole goes:
Tijuana Flats
Something you scraped off the bottom of your shoe
Something science can't even identify
Taco Bell
Tijuana Flats > EVERYTHING. Know this. Understand this. And the next time you go, check out the 'Don't Be A Chickenshit' Sauce. It's yummy.

Kelly's one of my favorite people to eat with because she appreciate fine dining [and ermmm, queso] more than anyone I've ever met in my life.

Dana bought us back boxed wine from Rome. She said she saw homeless people drinking it on the street. If it's good enough for the hobos, it's good enough for us [note: the only redeeming qualities of the aforementioned wine are a) it's cold and b) it's wet. Apart from that, it tasted like a combination of urine and anti-freeze]
And as usual, more dry-erase grafitti was added to the board. Instead of scribbling about bodaggets and bonches, though -- we went a sweeter route.


Yay orthodontia! Living with these guys is the best thing that ever happened to me. Without them, I would have never known the glory that is The Legend of Zelda.

Zen from a Hooters wet-nap. That's deep on a whole 'nother level. By the by -- Big Daddy Beers = ♥ of my life. $5.00. 24oz. Happy Jaime.
And finally -- something a little more inspirational than booze and fake Mexican food:

Steven Spielberg calls them 'God Lights.' I'm inclined to agree.
Happy Halloween! Be safe!