Sunday afternoon, Dan came into town for five days. We decided to check out the TNA Pay-Per-View at Universal Studios because a) it was free, B) Dan had never seen a live wrestling match before and c) The Best Friend was already there.
I failed miserably.
Monday and Tuesday, we just kind of hung out and had a mini Back To The Future marathon ["Shark still looks fake"]. Not only does Dan love this movie as much as I do, but he's much better at reciting lines from it. In doing so, he became my personal hero.
Wednesday, we spent the day at Downtown Disney where I ate the world's most amazing sandwich at The Earl of Sandwich.

One thing I love about Downtown Disney [besides the manna from the heavens that is the Caprese sandwich] is the fact that there is so much to look at.
I saw a shirt that I figured The Best Friend would appreciate the next time someone mistakenly confused us for a couple.

A mad promotional blitz for Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest meant almost everywhere we went, we were confronted with eye-patches, skeletons and pictures of Johnny Depp looking like Keith Richards did about 200 years ago.

I guess all the promotion worked because after Downtown Disney, we headed to actually watch the movie. I discovered that I am terrified of tentacles, in awe of special effects and as in love with pirates as I was when I was a little kid and watched The Goonies for the first time. It was also the first real date I've ever been on. Everyone together now: "Awwwwww..." It was very sweet and I had a lovely time. ♥
Thursday was spent at Islands of Adventure...but I don't have any pictures of that because I didn't take my camera. So instead, here are some pictures of our shaving cream fight:

As you can see, I obviously won...

...But I didn't escape unscathed. Plus: I was super moisturized and I smelled great. Minus: Look at my face.
On Friday morning, Dan left. Later that night was yet another Howl at the Moon night. Like the good little alcoholics we are, we decided to 'line our stomachs' with Taco Bell.

We rocked out to Journey, Jovi and Dana's favorite: Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy by Big and Rich. I think that song was written for us based on the lyric: "I'm singing and bling-blinging while the girls are drinking long necks down!" Singing? Check. Bling-blinging? Check [Dana's shirt had sparkly silver sequins]. Long necks? Double check!
Even though we ended the night fairly early [for us], it ended on a good note because for the first time since we've been going to that bar, they played the UCF fight song.

So, in conclusion -- you may be starring in a musical based on your life, David Hasselhoff...but I had the best week ever.
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