Missed last night's episode? You can either wait for a reruns airing on MTV today or you can check it out here. Isn't technology great?
On this week's episode --Lauren goes on a date with a model and Spencer reminds the world that he's an infantile douche. Another somewhat quiet episode. Every week, I watch this show and wait for fireworks and every week, I'm let down. By this point, we all know the show is scripted, so how about livening things up a little, MTV? Get the Melrose Place writers onboard and let the insanity commence. Audrina and Whitney have a lingerie catfight in the pool (and male viewership skyrockets), Heidi fakes her own death and then, returns with a vengeance to blow up Hillside Villas and Spencer....well, Spencer really wouldn't have to do anything differently. His entire life seems to be a cheesy night-time soap.
Just a suggestion, MTV.
Anyway, let's move on:
According to Brody, Lauren's got a thing for bad boys. Most women seem to flirt with the idea of this archetype during some point in their lives and most regain their senses and realize that bad boys are like multiple shots of tequila at Happy Hour. It's not a long-term investment -- you're merely renting until they makes you sick and must be expelled at all costs .
Lauren's date du jour, Gavin was not a bad boy. I'd define him more as 'Generic Pretty Boy.'

He's cute in that clean-cut Abercrombie sort of way and nice enough, but ultimately forgettable. Better luck next time, kid.
If he wasn't a model, I'd feel kinda bad for the guy. I'm a champion of nice guys (both my best friend and my fiance fall into that category) and hate that they always seem to get the shaft. Ladies, put down the jerk and find yourself a nice guy. The one who makes you laugh instead of making you feel like crap. The one who holds your hand in public and tells you that you're beautiful instead of grunting that you're 'hot' and considers that acceptable foreplay. Trust me --nice guys are the way to go (by the way, my best friend is not only single, but totally adorable, on his way to med school and knows how to make the best pineapple-upside-down cake ever. I'm just saying).
I really hope that Kimberly is the new 'Elodie' and snakes Heidi's job. In two minutes, she proved that she was a much more capable employee than Heidi has in three seasons of working at Bolthouse.
Quote of the Week: This week's episode had a couple of interesting little quips but the grand prize goes to the ever-fabulous Miss Lo who chimed in with this little gem: "I love passing judgment on people!"
Me too! And I'm so good at it. It's a shame I can't list it under 'skills' on my resume.
Also worthy of a little recognition? The receptionist at Bolthouse (Kimberly, perhaps?) when she asked Spencer, "And you are....?" That must have dinged Pratt-Daddy's ego a little and finally, Heidi zinging her fiance by saying, ""Oh, I'll be at work. Why don't you try it?"
Them's fighting words, Miss Montag, but you do bring up a good point -- how does Pratt-Daddy earn his ducats? Life in Los Angeles (like in any urban metropolis) isn't cheap.
And that brings us to another edition of You Look Like A Pratt:
Although this week's episode featured Spencer resembling a very hairy Gerber Baby, this picture was too good to pass up:

[Photo Credit: Just Jared]
Ladies and gentlemen, meet Peter Peter Pumpkin Passer. 'Cause that's what it looks like he's trying to do -- pass a pumpkin like a gallstone....and you know what, I think he might just be able to do it.
Next week: Spencer and Brody consider kissing-and-making-up, the Teen Vogue interns spend some quality time in New York City and I once again lust after Lo's aviators and really wish I could pull off that look.
On this week's episode --Lauren goes on a date with a model and Spencer reminds the world that he's an infantile douche. Another somewhat quiet episode. Every week, I watch this show and wait for fireworks and every week, I'm let down. By this point, we all know the show is scripted, so how about livening things up a little, MTV? Get the Melrose Place writers onboard and let the insanity commence. Audrina and Whitney have a lingerie catfight in the pool (and male viewership skyrockets), Heidi fakes her own death and then, returns with a vengeance to blow up Hillside Villas and Spencer....well, Spencer really wouldn't have to do anything differently. His entire life seems to be a cheesy night-time soap.
Just a suggestion, MTV.
Anyway, let's move on:
According to Brody, Lauren's got a thing for bad boys. Most women seem to flirt with the idea of this archetype during some point in their lives and most regain their senses and realize that bad boys are like multiple shots of tequila at Happy Hour. It's not a long-term investment -- you're merely renting until they makes you sick and must be expelled at all costs .
Lauren's date du jour, Gavin was not a bad boy. I'd define him more as 'Generic Pretty Boy.'

He's cute in that clean-cut Abercrombie sort of way and nice enough, but ultimately forgettable. Better luck next time, kid.
If he wasn't a model, I'd feel kinda bad for the guy. I'm a champion of nice guys (both my best friend and my fiance fall into that category) and hate that they always seem to get the shaft. Ladies, put down the jerk and find yourself a nice guy. The one who makes you laugh instead of making you feel like crap. The one who holds your hand in public and tells you that you're beautiful instead of grunting that you're 'hot' and considers that acceptable foreplay. Trust me --nice guys are the way to go (by the way, my best friend is not only single, but totally adorable, on his way to med school and knows how to make the best pineapple-upside-down cake ever. I'm just saying).
I really hope that Kimberly is the new 'Elodie' and snakes Heidi's job. In two minutes, she proved that she was a much more capable employee than Heidi has in three seasons of working at Bolthouse.
Quote of the Week: This week's episode had a couple of interesting little quips but the grand prize goes to the ever-fabulous Miss Lo who chimed in with this little gem: "I love passing judgment on people!"
Me too! And I'm so good at it. It's a shame I can't list it under 'skills' on my resume.
Also worthy of a little recognition? The receptionist at Bolthouse (Kimberly, perhaps?) when she asked Spencer, "And you are....?" That must have dinged Pratt-Daddy's ego a little and finally, Heidi zinging her fiance by saying, ""Oh, I'll be at work. Why don't you try it?"
Them's fighting words, Miss Montag, but you do bring up a good point -- how does Pratt-Daddy earn his ducats? Life in Los Angeles (like in any urban metropolis) isn't cheap.
And that brings us to another edition of You Look Like A Pratt:
Although this week's episode featured Spencer resembling a very hairy Gerber Baby, this picture was too good to pass up:

[Photo Credit: Just Jared]
Ladies and gentlemen, meet Peter Peter Pumpkin Passer. 'Cause that's what it looks like he's trying to do -- pass a pumpkin like a gallstone....and you know what, I think he might just be able to do it.
Next week: Spencer and Brody consider kissing-and-making-up, the Teen Vogue interns spend some quality time in New York City and I once again lust after Lo's aviators and really wish I could pull off that look.
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