Britney Spears files for divorce.
Shock and awe, y'all.
Federline seems like a leeching toolbag and booting him out was probably the best thing that Spears could have done, both professionally and personally.
Seriously, though -- divorce is always tough and it's an especially lousy situation when there are kids involved.
Hopefully, the divorce proceedings will be civil and neither party will resort to low blows and public embarrassment. They already suffered enough of that during every episode of Britney and Kevin: Chaotic [zing!]
For more info, check out Pink is the New Blog. If there's a better celebrity gossip site online, I haven't found it.
Shock and awe, y'all.

Federline seems like a leeching toolbag and booting him out was probably the best thing that Spears could have done, both professionally and personally.
Seriously, though -- divorce is always tough and it's an especially lousy situation when there are kids involved.
Hopefully, the divorce proceedings will be civil and neither party will resort to low blows and public embarrassment. They already suffered enough of that during every episode of Britney and Kevin: Chaotic [zing!]
For more info, check out Pink is the New Blog. If there's a better celebrity gossip site online, I haven't found it.
5 comments on "Exit the Federjerk,"
Oooohhhh!! Even better and more detailed than gossip site that thesuperficial.com. I am totally bookmarking the site.
I hope she gets her hands back on that tape. Kevin Federline is quite possibly the biggest douchebag on earth and doesn't deserve a cent of her money!
I love Pink Is The New Blog! Trent's commentary has me in stitches every time.
I agree with you completely, JC. K-Fed [or Fed-Ex as they're calling him these days] is a complete waste. It was obvious from the start that he was nothing but a gold-digging bum and this latest controversy with the tape proves that.
it really sucks how federline is getting so much money from the divorce from spears.
Goddamnit JJ. I demand a new blog entry.
Now, let me throw this little bit of devils advocacy your way. While everyone is ready to throw Britney a pity-party after her apparent escape from the sqauller she was heading to, let's not forget that she didn't seem to suffer the Katie Holmes problem of being brainwashed, handled, and generally screwed the f up at the beginning of this whole ordeal. This is the same Britney that everyone was chastising for her lackluster parenting skills; the same Britney that is the star of your oh-so-infamous YouTube clip of her whining while on whatever drug she was on (I still say X, but since they were referring to that movie Spun I wouldn't put meth out of the picture entirely); and she's also the one that thought Kevin Federline, of all people, was worth the time and the money to marry. There are numerous examples of each of those, along with a shit-ton of other instances where her decision making skills can be considered laughable, and that's being generous. I mean she cheated on your boy, "Mr. Bringing the Sexy Back" Justin Timberlake to screw that all up, and Fed-Ex is that one she (in an astounding moment of judgement and clarity) decided was the one she would procreate with? Don't get me wrong. It's nice she finally got rid of that mooch, but let's not seperate the trash too far from the trailer quite yet.
That said. He's a real piece of work using a sex tape as a bartering tool for kids to get a larger settlement. He's just clinging to the best thing he ever had and knows it's off to the In and Out to check on the fries if he doesn't get paid from all this. This should show how bored I am when I take the time to type all this.
Call me a genie in blue jeans for I granted your wish for a new blog entry.
Speaking of -- being the incredibly intelligent and incisive wit that you are [I'm not being a facetious prick -- I really do think you are intelligent, incisive and love reading your work. It inspires me to be a better writer and that's HUGE], one would assume that you too would have a blog. I'm thinking you should get on that. It would change lives...or at least make the masses laugh.
Shop talk aside -- I completely agree with you concerning the Britney situation. I mean, I'm the last person who wants to throw the girl a pity party. Granted, a divorce is a lousy situation, but going through a rough patch does not pardon past sins. Being married to a dirtbag shouldn't result in a serious loss of grey matter and yet, people seem to believe this of Spears and absolve her completely.
While I'm happy that she's finally seen the light and lost the dead weight, I still maintain that she's the same Cheeto-and-Redbull addicted regent of the trailer park. She's just got better spin doctors now.
I read an article [I believe it was at salon.com] before the pair split where Fed-Ex was complaining that his relationship with Ms. Spears was the reason he wasn't getting 'love from the streets.' I've never seen a more blantant case of biting the hand that feeds you or better proof of Federline's delusional and histronic personality.
So, how long until you start gutting fish at your desk?
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