November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted by Miss Jaime at Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Miss Jaime's Annual List of Ridiculous Stuff She's Ridiculously Thankful For:


- My flat-iron. It keeps my hair shiny and straight and thus helps me maintain some semblance of sanity.

- Google. Oh my God, I love Google! Reader, Docs, Search, Chat, iGoogle. I have never more wanted to full-on make out with an inanimate entity. Love it, love it, love it.

- Almost Famous. The name of my blog is ripped off from the movie, it features breakthrough performances from pretty much every cast member, I find Jason Lee inexplicably hot as Jeff Bebe (sidebar: Do musicians have a tendency to aesthetically emulate Jesus because they have messiah complexes? Discuss), it's heart-wrenching and funny and sad and well-written and beautiful and the music. The music. What do I love about the music? In a word, everything. It's perfect.

- Wawa. The glory of the mid-Atlantic states. Saturday mornings were made for Wawa coffee.

- Illy coffee. One sip and you'll feel like you're being kissed by God. Man, I am all about the smooching and blasphemy today.

- New York City. I fell in love after my first visit. It's an incredible place and I can't wait to go back! I've already decided what I must do on my next visit -- Breakfast at Les Halles and lots of quality time in the Village.

- Lost, Doc Johnson's weekly recaps at and the fact that it's coming back in January!!

- C.O. Bigelow Rose Salve. It makes me feel pretty...and well moisturized. 

- Ron Livingston. What? I saw Relative Strangers last night and he was really cute and funny. Let's also be thankful that I'll never meet Mr. Livingston because this will spare me the humiliation of morphing into a complete blushing, babbling idiot.

- The way my nieces run. Avery's run is a full-throttle burst of speed while Livi's is more of a prancing princess movement. Both of them are ridiculously cute and I couldn't love them more.

- Good pizza, homemade chips and salsa, big-ass fruity margaritas, avocados, cheese, mangoes, Greek salad, Dr. Prager's veggie burgers, patatas bravas, garlic bread, bread in general, actually, really good extra virgin olive oil, Mom's Indian food, dark chocolate, Diet Coke and vanilla lattes. What? I like food.

- The last season of Angel. Actually, every season of Angel 'cause that show was amazing and the fact that it was cancelled only proves that network execs are even more soulless than Angelus. On that note, I am thankful for the After The Fall graphic novel series.

- Tetris. It's a classic and has been proved to lead to more efficient brain activity while playing. I am also (grudgingly) thankful for the fact that the game is firewalled at work because it would lead to a serious nosedive in productivity on my part. Good looking out, Corporate America!

- The Great Gatsby. I've been carrying around a copy in my purse and it's a pearldiver. You dive into it at any given point and surface with something truly beautiful.

- You. Whether you read my blog regularly or just popped in because you did a Google Search on 'Ellen Pompeo Naked' (FYI: Sorry guy, but if it's nudes you're looking for, you're looking in the wrong spot), I appreciate you taking the time out. Thanks!


What are you thankful for? I'd love to know.


Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

1 comments on "Happy Thanksgiving!"

D on 6:48 PM said...

I am thankful for:

Pumpkin-flavored products

My friends & family

Video games that turn my friends into swearing, hysterical lunatics

Rock Band (that ones deserves it's own mention)

Chicken Wings. God bless chicken wings.

Burritos as big as my face

Sangria, Patatas Bravas, Tortilla, Paella... hell, anything from Spain

Judd Apatow movies

I could keep going... but this list made me hungry. lol LOVE YOU!


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