Intense and terrifying episode. In addition to a brutal rape scene [I saw about three seconds of it before squeezing my eyes shut and telling The Best Friend to let me know when it was over], the episode also featured this horrific shot of Sean washing his face in the mirror, looking up and seeing The Carver right there behind him.
I knew it was coming. It was completely obvious, but when I saw it -- I still leapt six feet in the air.
As a result, I am up at 5:00 a.m. after one of the worst nights of sleep in my life. What can I tell you? It was a psychological beatdown....but so well done.
I wonder who this guy is and why he hates the modern ideal of beauty so much. I'm guessing he's one of Sean and Christian's former patients. He went through surgery, but his life didn't miraculously change as he expected and therefore, he's lashing out at the world. There's only one issue with that, though. He's got to have some sort of medical knowledge because how would he:
a) have access to the "waking coma" paralyzing agent
b) how would he know to administer a non-lethal dose?
I realize this is all old-hat by now, but don't ruin it for me. I'm completely rapt.
The last disc of season two is supposed to come in at the end of this week [Blockbuster Online = ♥] and from what everyone tells me -- the season finale is amazing. Can't wait for that.
5 comments on "Damn you, Nip/Tuck"
Wuss ;P
Suck it, assbutt ;P
With pleasure, drop your drawers Miss Jaime ;) Nice display of redundancy Miss Writer Lady ;P
Ha ha! Joke's on you! I don't wear drawers! HA!
And secondly, my redundancy was actually a Simpsons reference.
It's a tragic state of affairs when Captain Awesome can't even recognize a Simpsons reference when he sees one....
*gasp* My humblest apologies. I'm slipping as I age.
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