Dorky white guys of the world, rejoice! Your time has finally come. Though you were once castigated for your love of comic books and/or video games and your inability to play sports, this is now, nothing more than a fleeting, shadowy memory.
First it was the designer purse. Then, the runty anklebiter and now? You are just not cool unless you have a dorky white guy hanging from your arm.
Case in point -- Christina Aguilera, Christine Taylor and Rachel Bilson. All are exponentially hotter than their significant others.
Dorky is the new sexy.....as long as you don't launch into tirades about D&D. The kind of girls you want to date aren't impressed with the fact that you're a dungeon master. Trust me on this one.
I was talking to the best friend about this and he said excessive gaming leads to incredible dexterity of the digits and well...you can fill in the blanks.
Speaking of, how did Adam Brody become the breakout sex symbol of The O.C.? Especially over Ben McKenzie? I would defile Ben McKenzie in ways I'm almost ashamed to admit. Adam Brody? I'd probably just kick his ass in Mario Kart.
In other news:
Lots of travelling lately -- I was in the Bahamas on the 5th [pictures to come soon], I'm going back to Orlando on the 15th, Camping with the Crew in Ocala on the 20th, West Palm on the 21st for Sparky's graduation and then, maybe a week in San Jose, California. I think I'm going to need a bigger memory card for my camera.
Darth Smashy. Even though I hate it when people dress up their dogs, this is just awesome.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers video for Dani California is amazing. If anyone can cover sixty years of rock history, it's definitely the Chili Peppers. Question for the masses: How come the Chili Peppers aren't played on classic rock radio and REM is? Both released their debut albums in 1983. My obsession with rock minutae is sad, impressive and a little unnerving.
Question for the masses: How old do you have to be before your life starts feeling like it belongs to you?
1 comments on "That, my friends, is one nerdy honky"
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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