It's been a few months since I made my New Year's Resolutions, so I figured an update was in order:
Write more -- Fail. I haven't really written anything of note since the new year started...but I did revise the opening of my novel. For the six billionth time. Since 2002. Yeah.
Be a better writer -- Fail Squared. Trust me. I re-read the opening.
Read more -- I've been pretty good about this one, actually. In the past two months, I have read the following:
Then We Came To The End by Joshua Ferris
Love All The People by Bill Hicks
The United States of Arugula by David Kamp
The Summer of Naked Swim Parties by Jessica Anya Blau
It's Not News, It's Fark: How Mass Media Tries To Pass Off Crap As News by Drew Curtis
Climbing The Mango Trees by Madhur Jaffrey
Next on the list, F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Beautiful and the Damned. I'm excited. Fitzgerald takes me a while to sink into, but once I do it's incredibly rewarding.
Send Thank You Cards -- They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Mine will be paved with unsent Thank You cards.
Take more pictures -- I've been taking more snapshots which satiates me for now, but I definitely want to start taking better pictures and fiddling around with the settings on my camera.
Add To My Flickr Favorites -- I've been pretty good about this and have discovered some pretty great pictures.

Photo by Slidercleo.
This is probably my new favorite because it makes me think of this:
Eat healthier -- Pshaw. Not as long as macaroni and cheese exists in this world.
Eat better -- I had the world's best veggie burger at National Mechanics' when my sister was in town and I'm seeing Dana in May, so I'm sure the prospect of Middle Eastern cuisine is in my very near future.
Spend regular quality time at the gym -- It hasn't really been regular but last time I was there, I lifted 40lbs. For a girl who teeters around the 100lbs mark, this isn't too bad.
See the family in Florida -- I'm working on it.
See the Smithsonian in D.C. -- I'm also working on this.
Purchase cute and sassy costume jewelry and band tees -- No on the band tees but yes on the cute and sassy jewelry. Dan got me the Octopus necklace for my birthday:

but insists that it looks like HP Lovecraft's Cthulu.

I disagree.
Pick up the guitar again -- Another fail. Maybe this summer. I've always preferred playing outside.
Floss regularly -- Bi-weekly (and by bi-weekly, I mean whenever I can be arsed to). Does that count?
Make more mix CDs -- This one is a technical fail solely because the CD-ROM drive in my computer gave me the finger and decided to stop working. However, I have been making more playlists for my iPod. I have a collection of pop-punk entitled, 'Young, Dumb and Full of....' because I am a classy, classy dame.
Remember to remember -- I'm working on it.
Write more -- Fail. I haven't really written anything of note since the new year started...but I did revise the opening of my novel. For the six billionth time. Since 2002. Yeah.
Be a better writer -- Fail Squared. Trust me. I re-read the opening.
Read more -- I've been pretty good about this one, actually. In the past two months, I have read the following:
Then We Came To The End by Joshua Ferris
Love All The People by Bill Hicks
The United States of Arugula by David Kamp
The Summer of Naked Swim Parties by Jessica Anya Blau
It's Not News, It's Fark: How Mass Media Tries To Pass Off Crap As News by Drew Curtis
Climbing The Mango Trees by Madhur Jaffrey
Next on the list, F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Beautiful and the Damned. I'm excited. Fitzgerald takes me a while to sink into, but once I do it's incredibly rewarding.
Send Thank You Cards -- They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Mine will be paved with unsent Thank You cards.
Take more pictures -- I've been taking more snapshots which satiates me for now, but I definitely want to start taking better pictures and fiddling around with the settings on my camera.
Add To My Flickr Favorites -- I've been pretty good about this and have discovered some pretty great pictures.

Photo by Slidercleo.
This is probably my new favorite because it makes me think of this:
Eat healthier -- Pshaw. Not as long as macaroni and cheese exists in this world.
Eat better -- I had the world's best veggie burger at National Mechanics' when my sister was in town and I'm seeing Dana in May, so I'm sure the prospect of Middle Eastern cuisine is in my very near future.
Spend regular quality time at the gym -- It hasn't really been regular but last time I was there, I lifted 40lbs. For a girl who teeters around the 100lbs mark, this isn't too bad.
See the family in Florida -- I'm working on it.
See the Smithsonian in D.C. -- I'm also working on this.
Purchase cute and sassy costume jewelry and band tees -- No on the band tees but yes on the cute and sassy jewelry. Dan got me the Octopus necklace for my birthday:

but insists that it looks like HP Lovecraft's Cthulu.

I disagree.
Pick up the guitar again -- Another fail. Maybe this summer. I've always preferred playing outside.
Floss regularly -- Bi-weekly (and by bi-weekly, I mean whenever I can be arsed to). Does that count?
Make more mix CDs -- This one is a technical fail solely because the CD-ROM drive in my computer gave me the finger and decided to stop working. However, I have been making more playlists for my iPod. I have a collection of pop-punk entitled, 'Young, Dumb and Full of....' because I am a classy, classy dame.
Remember to remember -- I'm working on it.
2 comments on "New Year's Resolutions: An Update"
I'm writing again! I have an idea for a book, and am trying to write short stories and opinion pieces, keep my chops up.
Other than that, I didn't really have any resolutions. How sad is that? Although I guess it means I'm pretty content with my life, right?
I'm so glad you're writing again! You should be blogging too! I would love to read it!
Having no resolutions doesn't make you sad -- it just makes you totally comfortable in your own skin and that, my dear, is admirable :)
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