October 15, 2008

A through Zed

Posted by Miss Jaime at Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Since I managed to get the meeting from hell scheduled (sidebar: You know you're spending entirely too much time at the office when you know your boss' cell phone number better than your fiance's), I'm taking a time-out to read about tonight's debate, talk to McGillis about politics, the polarization of the country, religion and Lexington Steele and waste my time with stuff like this:

A. Attached or single?
Attached. We drive to work together and spend pretty much all of our time with one another. You'd think this would be boring, but after spending a year living 1000 miles apart -- it's actually pretty fabulous.

B. Best friend?
I have many -- Dan (obviously), The Best Friend (he didn't just get the name out of nowhere), Sobia (The Transatlantic Best Friend), Dana and my sister.

C. Cake or pie?
Pie -- Cherry with a marzipan-and-almond crumb topping served warm with vanilla bean ice cream and a cup of good, strong coffee. Oh sweet Lord, I am so hungry....

D. Day of choice?
Saturday -- I hit the library (confessions of a nerd: I actually made a librarian chortle at my nerdiness when I was last at the library. I found a Toure's Never Drank The Kool-Aid, gasped loudly and leapt upon it with entirely too much eagerness. A librarian caught this display of dorkery and cracked up), I wear comfy clothes and I catch up on DVR'd TV. I get to do things I want to do as opposed to things I have to do.

E. Essential item?
At work -- it's Google. Reader + my personalized homepage makes my life so much happier and easier. At home -- my flat-iron. Having straight hair makes me more psychologically stable. Yes, I am aware of the fact that I'm both superficial and insane.

F. Favourite colour?

G. Gummy bears or worms?
Both but neither compare to the black Jelly Babies. Unlike the black jelly beans you find here in the States, black Jelly Babies are not an unholy vortex of fail.

H. Hometown?
Southall, England - famed for Bend It Like Beckham, a vast and cacaphonous population of South Asian immigrants and essentially, being a complete and utter shithole. Also, West Palm Beach, Florida. Also known as the Five-Six-Ace in the Gunshine State.

I. Indulgence?
Terrible food -- frozen pizza, jalapeno-flavored Kettle chips (I had both last night! I don't know who Tony is, but he makes a terrible pizza), peanut-butter filled pretzels, gummi cola bottles. I'm a fat girl in a small girl's body.

J. January or July?
July -- the 4th, the Best Friend's birthday, my anniversary. Good times all around.

K. Kids?
Let's wait five years before we start on that, shall we? Although, Dan and I have started talking about potential names. We don't agree on a single one.

L. Life isn’t complete without?
Great people, even better music, fruity margaritas, cute shoes, Lost, Ron Livingston, used bookstores and good food.

M. Marriage date?
July 2010...I hope. I'm having that "Down Payment for a house vs. wedding" debate right now and the house seems to be winning.

N. Number of brothers & sisters?
Just the one. She's awesome, passionate, funny, smart and hopefully, will be visiting me this winter!

O. Oranges or apples?
Apples -- really tart Granny Smith ones that make your mouth pucker.

P. Phobias?
I hate clowns. Even more creepy are the guys who wear clown make-up underneath their masks. Who does that?! I mean, seriously?!

Q. Quotes?
One of my favorites from NewsRadio -- a thoroughly underrated show:

[Reading cards from the complaint box]
Dave: "You suck." "You suck." "Howard Stern rules." "If you can read this you are a dork." "Coupon for one free kiss from Joe if you are a girl." "We need more complaint cards." "Coupon for one free kiss from Joe if you are a guy."
Joe: Hey.
Dave: [pulling out a fortune cookie slip] "You will go on a journey, happy long time." "Matthew is a moron." "No I'm not." "Yes you are." "No I'm not infinity." "Yes you are infinity plus one." And this one, "I have doobie in my funk," which I assume is some sort of reference to the Parliament Funkadelic song, "Chocolate City." Uh, "You got peanut butter in my chocolate. You got chocolate in my peanut butter. Together they taste like crap." "Matthew has been staring at me all day... and I love it." I don't think I get this one, it says, "I try to be good hard-worker-man, but refrigemater so messy, so so messy."
Lisa: I think that one's probably from Milos, the janitor.
Dave: Oh. Refrigem... oh, then that one's legitimate.
[continues reading the complaint cards]
Dave: Uh, "Who's the black private dick who's the sex machine with all the chicks."
Bill, Beth, Lisa, Matthew, Joe: SHAFT.
Bill: I thought we'd all enjoy that.
Dave: [reading one last card] And, "Help, I'm being held prisoner in a complaint box," which is actually kinda funny.

R. Reasons to smile?
Friday = Happy Hour and $5 margaritas. If that doesn't make you smile, you're pretty much soulless.

S. Season of choice?
Spring...around May when it starts to get warm again. Everything looks so pretty, you can bust out the flip-flops and you get to start eating dinner outside again.

T. Tag seven peeps!
Ummm, no. And for the record, unless you're talking about marshmallow Easter candy, there is no reason to use the word, 'peeps.'

U. Unknown fact about you?
I have wildly mundane dreams. Last night, I dreamt I was making a tour documentary about Bryan Adams. We stopped an urban high school and amazingly, the kids loved him. I dreamt this, ladies and gentlemen. Making a tour documentary about Bryan Adams was one of my dreams.

V. Vegetable?
I can't pick one. I'm a veggie polygamist of the worst kind.

W. Worst habits?
I pick my nails

X. X-ray or ultrasound?
Both depending on what was wrong with me. And for the record, total cop out on both this and the next one. X should have been X-Men (Magneto -- he has the best backstory ever).

Y. Your favourite food?
Pizza. I've eaten gourmet in swanky Italian places, Mack and Manco's (a cult fave down the Jersey Shore) and frozen $0.88 pies from Target and you know what? They're all delicious....except for Tony's. That man makes an awful, awful pizza.

Z. Zodiac sign?
Pisces. I exhibit pretty much all the tendencies of my sign -- creative, dreamy and soft like ice cream.

1 comments on "A through Zed"

D on 9:56 PM said...

Dear god I miss you Jaime!!!!! :)


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