The copier/fax machine at work. We are no longer on speaking terms. As much as I would like to live in the world of Office Space, recreating the PC Load Letter scene at 8:30 in the morning? Seriously not cute. On a more positive note though? I'd watch Kung Fu with Peter Gibbons any day.

Let's focus less on the fact that I look like an ass and more on how ridiculously good-looking Ron Livingston is, shall we?
Voice activated customer service helplines. Was Terminator 2 a teeny little indie flick that only I saw? Does nobody else live in fear of the day computers become sentient and collectively band together to eff us in the a? After talking to a robotically perky operator for a good five minutes, I heard it say, “Thank you! I now have all your information in front of me!” First off – you’re not a me! You’re an it! A thing! Not a being! And secondly, the fact that you have all my information makes me feel nuts in that tin-foil hat kinda way.
The VCR. It fell on my foot and if I ever get a hold of Dan’s baseball bat, I’m gonna recreate the following scene:

Let's focus less on the fact that I look like an ass and more on how ridiculously good-looking Ron Livingston is, shall we?
Voice activated customer service helplines. Was Terminator 2 a teeny little indie flick that only I saw? Does nobody else live in fear of the day computers become sentient and collectively band together to eff us in the a? After talking to a robotically perky operator for a good five minutes, I heard it say, “Thank you! I now have all your information in front of me!” First off – you’re not a me! You’re an it! A thing! Not a being! And secondly, the fact that you have all my information makes me feel nuts in that tin-foil hat kinda way.
The VCR. It fell on my foot and if I ever get a hold of Dan’s baseball bat, I’m gonna recreate the following scene:
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