I've never called him 'Dad', though. He's always been Papa. I think that suits him better.
He's funny, but thinks he's funnier than he actually is. He comes up with absolutely crap idea for movies. He embellishes the most ridiculous details. He's a complete smart-ass and because he's married to my mom, has the war wounds to prove it. He's infuriatingly stubborn and equally infuriatingly endearing. He'll never ask for directions, he hurls abuses at the television while watching sports and his sense of spontaneity and adventure are parallel only to his sense of humor.
All in all, he's a good man. The kind of guy you could count on in a pinch. The kind of guy you could knock back a couple of beers with. The kind of guy who will engage you in a passionate debate and not once cross that line into 'pompous jackass' territory. The kind of guy who believes in you like you want to believe in yourself.
The kind of guy who was born to be a dad...or in this case, a papa.
So, to Paps on Father's Day -- thanks for being a good guy and setting the bar so high. I'm lucky to know you and luckier still to be your daughter...but Walthamstow is still a completely crap idea. Really.
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