April 30, 2007

Live every week like it's shark week.

Posted by Miss Jaime at Monday, April 30, 2007

Free Spiderman 3 premiere tickets at the new IMAX at Pointe Orlando (Thank you J-School for finally returning on my investment). Earth, Wind and Fire, Augustana and Barry White. A sky white-washed with smoke and heat. Undeclared mini-marathon with The Best Friend. Craving frosty mango margaritas and making tentative plans for Cinco de Mayo ("You call this culture? Guacamole and a ghetto blaster in the middle of a desert?!" +10 to anyone who gets the reference). Lunch and summer optimism with Pepe. Books, books, books. A serious jones for lazy afternoons at the pool listening to G. Love and Sublime. Cleaning the bathroom in pink underwear while listening/dancing to Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. Strawberry sweet tea (Iced tea + frozen strawberries + lemon juice + ice + Magic Bullet = ♥) and finally, a fan.

Today was beautiful.

The rest of the week is laid out like a deck of cards and I think I might just have a winning hand.

Tuesday -- Gainesville with Paps to pick up Sparky. Move on up and move on out. Long drives + good mixes. Fresh, crunchy salads and birthday cake bakin.'

Wednesday -- Dan flies into town! Airport reunion scene. Long-lost kisses and Lost and lots and lots of kissing.

Thursday -- Graduation. The whole family. Black robe, black and white dress, black heels, gold tassel and a funny black hat. Spiderman 3 premiere at Pointe Orlando. Holding hands and watching movies.

Friday -- Dinner with the Crew. Paper tablecloths + perverse Picassos. Celebrating D's new job and Jerry/Kelly/My graduation with Sparkletinis. Looking over my right shoulder and seeing the boyfriend there. It's not a dream. It's not a dream.

Saturday -- Cinco de Mayo: cervezas, margaritas y mas besos.

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