Remember the scene in Pulp Fiction where Vincent jams a needle full of pure adrenaline into Mia's heart?
Going bridal shopping is kind of like that...except in this case, the needle is a bunch of gorgeous dresses and instead of adrenaline, the needle's quivering with estrogen.

This dress reminded me of that grey Versace number Carrie Bradshaw wore in the sixth season of Sex and the City. Gorgeous in theory, but if I were to try it on, it would probably engulf me.

Part of my bridesmaid duties -- wear pretty dress, provide embarrassing pictures and stories about the bride and groom and get lushed. I'm think I'm well-qualified for the position.
After bridal shopping, we headed over to Jake and Steph's to play Trivial Pursuit: 80s Edition.

Here's a helpful hint -- just because you grew up in the 80s, it doesn't mean you will dominate the game.

Having an encyclopedic knowledge of Simpsons episodes? That's a different story. I actually answered a question about Canadian politics because of information I learned on The Simpsons. Ha -- and they call it the idiot box.

Dana celebrated our good fortune [read: my nerdish leanings] by inhaling a bottle of Raspberry Sparkletini -- the best alcoholic beverage one can purchase for under $5 [excluding Boulaine's Amaretto, of course]

Dana: I will punch you in the dick if you guys don't get this.
Jerry: Dude, you better know the answer to this question....
Thankfully, the boys avoided a crotch-punching, but Jake still kept close guard and managed to salute us. Granted, it was a one-finger salute, but we'll take it anyway.

Things are looking grim for the boys' team. See, this is why you never go up against me in any sort of pop culture tournament. You will go down and you will go down hard.

Finally, Jake admits defeat. Ha ha ha. In yo' eye, sucka!
Watch this.
Now, imagine Jerry doing the same thing with Callie.

Going bridal shopping is kind of like that...except in this case, the needle is a bunch of gorgeous dresses and instead of adrenaline, the needle's quivering with estrogen.

This dress reminded me of that grey Versace number Carrie Bradshaw wore in the sixth season of Sex and the City. Gorgeous in theory, but if I were to try it on, it would probably engulf me.

Part of my bridesmaid duties -- wear pretty dress, provide embarrassing pictures and stories about the bride and groom and get lushed. I'm think I'm well-qualified for the position.
After bridal shopping, we headed over to Jake and Steph's to play Trivial Pursuit: 80s Edition.

Here's a helpful hint -- just because you grew up in the 80s, it doesn't mean you will dominate the game.

Having an encyclopedic knowledge of Simpsons episodes? That's a different story. I actually answered a question about Canadian politics because of information I learned on The Simpsons. Ha -- and they call it the idiot box.

Dana celebrated our good fortune [read: my nerdish leanings] by inhaling a bottle of Raspberry Sparkletini -- the best alcoholic beverage one can purchase for under $5 [excluding Boulaine's Amaretto, of course]

Dana: I will punch you in the dick if you guys don't get this.
Jerry: Dude, you better know the answer to this question....
Thankfully, the boys avoided a crotch-punching, but Jake still kept close guard and managed to salute us. Granted, it was a one-finger salute, but we'll take it anyway.

Things are looking grim for the boys' team. See, this is why you never go up against me in any sort of pop culture tournament. You will go down and you will go down hard.

Finally, Jake admits defeat. Ha ha ha. In yo' eye, sucka!
Watch this.
Now, imagine Jerry doing the same thing with Callie.

4 comments on "Welcome to Lushville. Population: Us"
People that grew up in the 80's know everything about everything. Did you know that Frankie Goes to Hollywood used to be Frankie Goes to Wichita because he couldn't quite afford to get all the way to California? Think about it... Hmmm... I wonder what witch burning connotations the name Wichita has, the witches (or their representatives) of the world should have been in an uproar about changing the name like the people that wanted to change all the "derogatory" sports team names.
Well, thank God Frankie finally gave up his ethics and started hitchhiking out to the Golden State. Otherwise, we'd live in a world without the dulcet tones of Relax [Don't Do It] and who would want that?
The witches of the world know better than to cause an uproar in today's society. I mean, we live in a world where Jack Chick is running around telling kids that reading Harry Potter will send them straight to hell.
The witches have already done the persecution thing and they're pretty much over it by now.
As for the changing the 'derogatory' names of sports teams, the hell with that! Pro sports should be more worried about their athletes being raped, being forced to take performance-altering substances or worst of all -- being Cowboys ;)
Relax... such a naughty, naughty song. It's too bad he was a fruit cake, and wrote with getting man-juice sprayed all over him.
And don't get me started on all the wasted time, money, and resources on these nonsensical faux-evangelists thinking they have the new gold standard of morality. I swear that every single one of them gets the nasties, dirtiest, hookers to do things that would make goatse (the grossest of the gross shit if you google it, so be warned) seem tame. Their hypocricy knows no bounds JJ. It amazes me that the ability to completely ignore rational thought and analysis and simply work on whatever agenda aids them the most.
If I might quote the uppity waiter from Ferris Buehler, "I weep for the future".
that was supposed to be the name I left that comment under. stupid internets and those stupid circly check thingies
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