FRIDAYThere might be cake! Dana, being the kick-ass baker that she is, decided that it was high time she baked a cake. Who are we to refuse baked goods...especially Funfetti-flavored baked goods with vanilla frosting and sprinkles.

I'm not sure the baking excited her or the fact that we were talking about the David Beckham 'Got Milk' ad...?

There is no greater pleasure, no sin more exquisite than frosting...

Paul lurked around the kitchen for a good five minutes hoping to get a taste of the batter. Needless to say, it made him happy.

Anthony Bourdain doesn't cook sober and neither do we.

Cake and beer. It's a winning combination. Like peanut butter and jelly, Lucy and Ethel or vodka and even more vodka.

Another winning combination, especially at Casa de Drunkenness.

Cue the angelic chorus! Cake! There might be cake! And there is!

"Frosting, you have scorned me for the last time...."

Hmmm. Ethnic? Check. Barefoot? Check. Kitchen? Check. Yep -- everything seems to be in order here...

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what the finished product looked like.

Paul couldn't wait to launch into it and came strapped with dual knife-wielding capabilities.

And because everything we say is some sort of thinly veiled sexual reference, our conversation while making the cake ended up on my wall.
After our culinary adventure, we ended up at Steak 'N Shake for glorious Halloween milkshakes -- caramel apple, s'mores and some sort of diabolical chocolate fudge/chocolate chip concoction.

I picked the caramel apple shake and my God, it was the greatest decision I've made in my life. It actually tasted
just like a caramel apple.

French fries made Steph happy. S'Mores-flavored milkshake made her even happier.

If Jake went five minutes without making some sort of smart-ass comment, I think I'd die of shock.

I suggested that The Best Friend give me a taste of his s'mores shake. He responded by snarling like a rabid badger. Lesson of the day: Don't touch The Best Friend's milkshake.

Dana's banana split shake was glorious in a way that only banana-flavored products are.

You try sucking straight caramel through a straw without your face looking like this.

In addition to cake, beer and glorious milkshakes, the best part of the night was seeing my niece, Phoebedog! She makes happy noises everytime she comes over to the apartment. For her, Casa de Drunkeness is Casa de Bellyrubs.
SATURDAYA conversation between Dana and I:
Jaime: Dude, I woke up like, an hour ago.
Dana: Me too.
Jaime: What the hell was in those milkshakes?
Jaime and Dana simultaneously: Roofies...

After a late wake-up call, The Best Friend, Dana and I grabbed lunch at the
Pita Pit -- home of delicious hummus and pitas the size of your head.

See -- I'm not joking. Those things are
huge...and so good. Dana and I bonded over the tzatziki sauce and decided that we both want to be buried in it so we can eat our way out.

After lunch, we went to Lake Eola to hang out at the
Wine Room with Kelly. It's swanky and features my new favorite wine -- the
St. Supery Moscato.

The selection is jaw-dropping and they even have a room dedicated to rare vintages which probably cost more than my life.

Now, I may not be the biggest enophile, but I have to agree with this quote. Good food, good music and good drinks always bring people closer together.

I really liked the ambience of the place. It was romantic, so the next time the boyfriend's in town, I'll be sure to plan a date here.

Keeping with the whole romance theme, the sunset was gorgeous ["Baby, you're gonna miss your plane." "I know."]

For dinner, we hit up Whole Foods and I got the world's most delicious Greek salad. I want to find the man who first invented this culinary delight and french kiss him....although, after eating all that feta cheese, I don't think it would be a particularly pleasurable sensation.

Dana got emotional over the baklava. If manna from the Gods truly exists, it would have to be this dessert. The honey just swims in your mouth and it is amazing.

In addition to killer Greek delicacies, awesome vegan chocolate chip cookies and mini shopping carts for little kids, Whole Foods also has a pretty decent beer selection. I love the fact that they carry Orange Blossom Pilsner. It's a local microbrew and damn tasty from what I hear.
SATURDAY NIGHT -- The Best Friend, Dana, Kelly and I congregated at our local sex megastore,
Fairvilla to bond over raunchy videos, Halloween costumes and vibrators. Since Fairvilla has a no photography policy, I couldn't take any pictures, but highlights from the night include: a very helpful sales associate named Michel who is, hands-down, the world's leading authority on sex toys, a video series named
Big Sausage Pizza which was almost enough to make me stop eating pizza all together [almost],
another nip tweak from Kelly and trying on a costume which caused the
security guard to remark, "You look like a little want some candy?" Good times as always.

All in all, a great weekend. The original plan was to spend it moping while watching
The Notebook and the Thanksgiving episode of
Party of Five from Season 1, but I have great friends who refused to let that happen.
When you've got friends like mine, delicious food and great music [Soundtrack for the weekend:
Still Not A Player by Big Pun,
I Get Around by Tupac Shakur and the ubiquitous
Juicy by the Notorious B.I.G.] -- life is good.