My hair hates me.
To be honest, it has every reason to. I torture it constantly with a smoldering flat iron, I don't get it trimmed on a regular basis and once, while in London, I burnt it clean off [damn voltage differences].
So I picked up some Hair-Insurance by Aussie. I like most of the products in Aussie's line and if anything, living in Florida, a state constantly bitch-slapped by hurricanes has taught me that insurance, much like greed, is good. Wow...I guess I really love commas. As a great man [j-school professor, history buff and all-around great guy Rick Brunson] once said, "The comma is the James Brown of punctuation." Definitely the hardest-working mark in the business...unlike that shiftless semi-colon.
Here's to hoping it works because boys don't make passes at girls with split ends...or something along those lines.
However, if "heaven and babies and brilliance" are more your thing, pick up L'Oreal for Kids because according to my sister, that's what it smells like.
In other news, my crippling addiction to The O.C. continues.
- I can't believe the dirty white trash guy actually rented The Sound of Music. Dude, you know how I know you're gay....? Yeah.
- I knew the baby wasn't Ryan's...Actually, that's a lie. I totally didn't.
- Hindu + Jew = HinJew. Best. Portmanteau. Ever. Now, I have to find a cute Jewish boy to marry so I can have a whole litter of little HinJews.
- This site is a fantastic resource 'cause it lists every single piece of music featured in the show and exactly which scene it was featured in. That being said, Ryan Adams -- I think I love you. I think.
and finally, reason #457834 I could never be a Scientologist -- silent birth. I have a hard time keeping quiet an hour after eating a burrito.
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